Friday, August 31, 2018

Big Labor Day Giveaway of La Bruja del Barrio Loco, Saturday through Monday

That's right, I'm doing another giveaway of a second book, La Bruja del Barrio Loco!  I got one review from the last book I gave away, which is pretty good for a beta run.  If you are a friend or an avid Kindle reader, and you download my book, please give it a short review!  Psst, colleagues and friends, share the link on your Facebook walls or social media.

This morning, I also worked on another chapter of The Harvest. You can read the first chapter and part of the second because that's like 50+ pages of reading.  The novel is now at 383+ pages, and my writing goal is to finish chapter 20 this morning.

I am also going on a writing vacay with my family, which will mean free printing at the hotel!  That also means I will have a captive audience in the car, so I can read bits out loud to them.  So, pray for me that this draft gets done.  I really think I can finish it by Sunday.

This weekend I will also be reviewing a book or two.  I downloaded different books by friends and acquaintances to support them.  My favorite one I started reading, thus far, is
Jukebox Loser: An Owner's Manual for Idiot Desires by Todd Heldt.  It's funny as hell, and gave me a real nostalgia for the 80's and 90's.  (I hope he does a printed version of it!)  I also have a romance I am reviewing, even though romances are not my thing.

Book cover of Jukebox Loser\

Well, time to get back to chapter 20.  I'm in my zone, so I will catch you later!

Cross that finish line and curl up to a good book!  Obvi, not at the same time.  #Resist!


Thursday, August 23, 2018

Updates on My Official Author Site

I was just posting that I have been keeping up with all of my author sites, but this one has been woefully neglected.

Still, here are the sites I update daily:

My Blog:

Good Reads Author Site  (Follow me, and I will follow you back.)

Current Books:


Amazon Author Site: