Monday, June 21, 2010

What happens when you move and lose internet access for three weeks?

You skip the blog.  Wow.  That also means I haven't written anything but a poem for my husband (which he loved).

Well, now I am back online and mostly unpacked.  I have about a month to send something out.  That's the story of my writing life, sometimes.  Writing always takes the back seat, and I have a nagging remorse that won't quit.

The good news is that I am not online or watching T.V. as much as usual, so I can kill some of that guilt.  That would be time well-spent on living and doing things that matter.  I have been reading in my time away from the keyboard.  Now, it's the Death Collector by Justin Richards.  It's not the greatest piece of literature, but it's teaching me what not to do.  Right now, not develop shallow characters with boring motives.

1 comment:

  1. Woah! There was nothing for May. It's like there was a big black hole.
