Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Long Road or Short Cut?


I have been working on this monstrosity (well 37 page story with no end), and I am not sure if I should chop it down or write a novel.  In truth, I have fallen into this trap before.  One little story becomes a novella-sized piece, and at that point, I’m screwed because I either don’t end it or have something too long for anything but sharing with friends (Damn, that sounded dirty.). 

What we have here is a post-apocalyptic werewolf story where the father abandons his son (I know.  I don’t just write “serious” fiction.).  Yet, I kept going after the father abandons the boy.  My common-sense writer self tells me that I should end the story with the father leaving.  But, my imaginative-can’t-end-stories self wants to write about the aftermath of the boy looking for his dad.  But, now that I’m writing this stuff, I’m asking, “Should a writer answer all the questions and resolve all the character’s desires?”  Well, duh, no.

Well, I can’t tip on this issue because I don’t have it figured out.  In fact, this is my Achilles heel.  Some writers have a hard time cranking out material; once I get going, I crank out too much.  I also think that sometimes, I want to write a movie.  I don’t mean a screenplay; I want to write a movie, and that is not possible.  (Tip 12) The writing needs to be contained to fit its genre.  Besides, writing shouldn't just be about images and action.  Nube writers focus too much on the visual, when there are so many other senses and facets to explore.  

And with that, I’m going to explore the mess my husband is making in the kitchen.  He is entering a waffle adventure, while I take some time to get some words on paper.  

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