I am finally at a point where I can write again. Here was the writing block: I am 21 weeks pregnant, and the experience has been a roller coaster. In fact, I am blogging about this magical process in my other blog that I revived: http://barrioblues.weebly.com/.
I figured anybody can offer writing advice, and I suck at taking conventional advice. However, writing while pregnant, that is something I can write about first-hand. Besides, I think the hormones are, now, helping me get some awesome ideas. I am also posting some of my work on the other blog because the tabs make it easier for me to do so.
Down South Where the Water is Warm and Other Totally True Barrio Stories
(????).I am finally at a point where I can write again. Here was the writing block: I am 21 weeks pregnant, and the experience has been a roller coaster. In fact, I am blogging about this magical process in my other blog that I revived: http://barrioblues.weebly.com/.
I figured anybody can offer writing advice, and I suck at taking conventional advice. However, writing while pregnant, that is something I can write about first-hand. Besides, I think the hormones are, now, helping me get some awesome ideas. I am also posting some of my work on the other blog because the tabs make it easier for me to do so.
On a book update, I finally, finally got a hold of the book cover designer, and he is going to work on the it! Yay, now all I have to do is raise $400 to copyright, host the *pdf, and pay the editor. I hope folks will buy it for X-mas and maybe teach
Well that is all. Here's to upswings and milagros in life.
Jesú Estrada, Ph.D.
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