I know, it sounds cliché and terribly contradictory with a baby that loves to “talk.,” but today, I woke up with the thought that (Tip 10) sometimes, writing needs to come from a quiet place. I don’t mean a bubble-wrapped, insulated room far away from loved ones. I mean a quiet place from a dejunked mind. Or as dejunked as possible.
That may mean unplugging the tech. (I would know; I spent the last two days playing Wizard 101, like a bored third grader.) Not that tech is bad, but if you are checking Facebook, watering your virtual crops, and sending emails on your snazzy cell phone, how are ideas going to emerge? How are your fingers ever going to get to the keys? Or the pen to the paper?
The same goes for dejunking your mind. Don’t let the bastard win that says, “You can’t write.” Or worse, “That is impossible.” You know what I’m talking about. The noise that prevents you from actually writing. For me, the solution has been to believe what I do is not only the right thing for me, but I’m good at it. That takes guts or like my dad puts it, cajones. What is more, you probably love to write, just like I do. Don’t let the noise get in the way. It’s probably bullshit anyway.
Now, if you do need that bubble-wrapped room, go for it. Realistically, I don’t have access to one, but right now, my son is fast asleep, on the Boppy, on my lap. So, it’s like a bubble-wrapped moment, and my fingers are where they are supposed to be: hard at work on my keyboard.
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