Saturday, September 08, 2018

Finished the Next Story for My Collection and Sent It out to the New Beta Reader (that took mega balls) #barrioblues #supergrandehuevos

Done!  This morning I revised "Rita vs the Duende" my next work in progress that will be aimed at Young Adults, and I added comments from a previous editor-friend. The story will be part of a short story collection for YA and will be out this month.  I was able to work steadily on it and make all the changes because I stayed away from social media.  Milagro!

Plus, (drum roll) I just took the leap and sent it to my new buddy Eddie. I also offered what I thought were specific feedback questions for him.
  I listed them below, in case you are curious what this process could be like, now that I'm done breathing into the paper bag and hit send.  Just kidding.

Beta Reader Questions:
  1. Is the backstory of the duende clear enough?
  2. Is the use of Spanish and when Nana speaks Spanish clear?
  3. Is the pacing too fast?
  4. Are there gaps in the story you want filled?
  5. General comments would be great.
  6. In terms of grammar, I just want to make sure my word choice is varied and effective.
  7. Also, please highlight or add side comments, if you do in-text comments, so I an clearly differentiate your suggestions.
Eddie has been "offline" today, and I suspect he is also in his writing cave, as I was all morning. 

This afternoon, my son invited me to watch a remodeling house show, and one of the suggestions for marketing was to have a recognizable hashtag. It just occurred to me that I hadn't been using one, which is stupid considering all the social media I use, so I am claiming #barrioblues. Get used to seeing it on all my posts, especially book promotions.  I don't think I will be using the #Resist tag because that has to do with my political life and not my writing.  Duh.

I hope you all have a great day writing and revising or whatever book stage you are at!

Let the synapses in your brain birth new ideas! Grow some super huevos grandes as you take risks. #barrioblues

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