Monday, June 09, 2014

What’s in a Name?

Seriously.  My name is María de Jesús Estrada.  I add the doctor part to increase my cultural capital and because for the longest time, I was proud of that doctorate.  I am still proud, but do not need to be called doctor anymore.  In fact, that is the name I use most when I publish my work.  (A chapter from my own narrative will be in A Language and Power Reader: Representations of Race in a Post-Racist:  

However, now that I am nearing the end of my anthology publication, I am wondering what writer name to use. 
Should I go with my real name? 
Dr. María J. Estrada or my nickname Dr. Jesú Estrada? 
Or Dr. M.J. Estrada and have readers figure out that I am, indeed, a female?
I have absolutely no interest in a fake pen name, and a good profile pic will appear in the back of the book that will identify me as female. 
My good friend Athir and writing supporter suggests:  Jesú Estrada, Ph.D.  What do you think?  The name has a catchy ring to it.

Please, add your two cents.
Signing off!  Jesú Estrada, Ph.D. 


  1. Pues como te llamas? Jesú Estrada, Ph.D does sound catchy and appropriate.

  2. Como que como me llamo? You're my sister! You should know, zonsa.

  3. Replies
    1. Lizeth, thank you for the feedback. That seems to be the general consensus on the name.

    2. Claudia, is that you? OMG! Thank you for the feedback!

  4. I concur with the masses! When you start with the "Dr." it sounds medicinal, but when you end with the "Ph.D" it's all "I'm a badass, yo." :-)
