This weekend, I went to Saugatuck, MI with my husband and son to celebrate Father's Day. Well, it was a brilliant excuse to go shopping and start planning
how I want to look at readings and for work in general (I teach English
composition and literature full time, and urbanite students appreciate the professorial
“upgrades”.) I have a reading in two weeks or so, which should be a great
opportunity for me to dazzle the audience. After much thought, I decided since I am so fond of
cowboy boots that I am going to wear the ones my sister got me last Christmas. They
are a tan, neutral color, but will go well with the fantastic outfit I have

Best Brunettes
Folks, there is something magical about opening the floodgates of creativity. Once you do that, the energy touches every part of your life and makes it truly wonderful.
I am also fond of Calvin Klein tight pants, so I am on the
lookout for a pair of those in a bright red or electric blue. If not, I am
wearing jeans and a gorgeous French blouse I bought over the weekend.
Do I normally buy such fine garments? Hell no!
My sister sent me a wonderful care package that also included
the oil paintings for the potential book cover for my anthology, tentatively
titled Down South Where the Water is Warm
and Other Totally True Barrio Stories. The package also contained a late
Mother’s Day gift, which touched my heart; that is how I was able to buy the
top. (Thank you little sister. You can watch a somewhat entertaining video of me opening the package here: I spent over $100 dollars on it, and as soon as
I am gussied up, I will post a picture. I usually shop at the Goodwill and only
get one-of-a-kind clothing items. The same rule applies for department store
shopping. Well, this was definitely one-of-a-kind, black with an elaborate
flower pattern. It really looks like a color explosion, and what is even
better, it slims me down. That right there is worth gold.
I am also changing my haircut because I swear I am wearing
the exact same bangs and hair length I did in Jr. High. The only difference is
that I have extra layers and a few shiny white hairs, here and there. I have not made final decision on the
hair, but I may go with something like this.

Best Brunettes
Folks, there is something magical about opening the floodgates of creativity. Once you do that, the energy touches every part of your life and makes it truly wonderful.
That is all! I hope you follow your dreams, daily and make your life unique, Jesú Estrada, Ph.D.
I have no idea who that actress is, but her hair sure is cute!